Registration as Mass Media

Registration as Mass Media

Accreditation for journalists and media representatives
⠀Access to the trade fair and open events at the press center
⠀1 (one) PRESS category badge

Journalists interested in obtaining accreditation for the International Industrial Trade Fair INNOPROM. Central Asia (hereinafter referred to as the "Event") are advised to complete the application on the official website by April 20, 2025. If the application is submitted after this date, access to the Event during visits by High-Profile Dignitaries may be restricted.

Pre-accreditation of journalists is required to ensure the most comfortable conditions for covering the Event.
Journalist accreditation is mandatory for the Event.
Accreditation will be carried out in accordance with the internal rules of the Event.

Media representatives accredited to participate in the Event must comply with the requests and instructions of the Organizer (LLC ‘Formika Event’) regarding adherence to the internal regulations of the trade fair.
Journalist accreditation is valid for the entire duration of the Event.
The Organizer reserves the right to regulate the number of media representatives at the Event at its discretion, based on necessity and internal regulations.

An accredited journalist is entitled to:
⠀Freely using all facilities, equipment, and services specifically provided by the organizers for the work of media personnel and press offices;
⠀Receiving information and reference materials about the Event in advance (such as press releases, event programs, etc.);
⠀Participating in press conferences, media briefings, press scrums, and other media events.

An accredited media representative must:
⠀Publish information obtained at the event accurately and without distortion;
⠀Cite the sources of obtained information and adhere to the Official Mention Policy;
⠀Notify the organizers, participants, and guests of the Trade Fair in advance about audio and video recording, as well as film and photo shooting;
Immediately cease photo or video recording upon request by the Organizer;
Present their editorial credentials or accreditation badge upon first request;
Avoid deliberate distortion of information and defamation;
Refrain from using information obtained during the event for personal commercial or self-serving purposes;
Refrain from distributing informational materials within the event premises without the Organizer’s permission;
The event organizer reserves the full right to deny accreditation.
For media partnership and advertising inquiries:

Ivan Aleshin
FIf you have any questions regarding the registration process, you may contact us via email a
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