
Roman Starovoyt outlined prospects for hydrogen vehicle showcased at INNOPROM. Central Asia

November 21, 2024

Roman Starovoyt, Russian Minister of Transport, is confident that hydrogen vehicles have better prospects than electric cars, which are in fact environmentally neutral.

"Consider this: the electricity that goes into the battery still comes from fossil fuels. So we cannot expect significant sustainability gains. With the existing international and domestic technologies, the future may belong to hydrogen vehicles,” mentions Roman Starovoyt.

Earlier, Igor Morzharetto, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Behind the Wheel magazine, spoke about the prospects for hydrogen vehicles in Russia. He explained that there is no combustion in such cars, while the exhaust is harmless water vapor, which fits well into the zero-emission concept.

NAMI National Automobile Research Institute Showcased World’s Most Powerful Hydrogen Car at INNOPROM. Central Asia in Tashkent. The 4x4, torque-vectoring powertrain consists of three motors on the front and rear axles. With its 250 kW (340 hp) motors and 750 kW (1,020 hp) total power, the car accelerates to 100 km/h in less than four seconds.
Its 8 kg of hydrogen is stored in three cylinders at 700 atm. The car's range on one refueling is up to 870 km.

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